EKSCUT KESİCİ TAKIMLAR LTD.ŞTİ. is a group company of EKSPORT TEKNİK LTD.ŞTİ, whose foundations date back 30 years.
In 2020, we decided to produce cutting tools from carbide, which we are dependent on imports in our industry, and started production under two separate headings: standard and special carbide tools.
Standard tools: We generally produce them for use in non-mass production parts.
Special tools: We provide fast and easy processing of the part to increase daily production in mass production.
Our aim is to reduce the unit cost per piece in the developing competitive environment in the sector. In this regard, we ensure the sustainability of the products we produce in companies.
Once we do our technical work on the products and agree on the product quality, we promise that we will always produce products of the same quality.
We continue to provide service in two locations: Dilovası İmes OSB in Kocaeli and Kocaeli, Çayırova and Şekerpınar, in order to satisfy you with our understanding of price and quality and to increase the service quality and speed up our deliveries in the Istanbul, Kocaeli and Adapazarı regions, where we feel that there is a need in the changing conditions of the day.
Thank you for choosing us…